Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, we are a tax exempt 501c3 charity.
47-4333055 is our EIN to verify our status and to make a donation.
No, we are no longer accepting product donations outside of our brand partners.
It would be best to donate to a shelter or diaper bank near you. We are not accepting product donations from the public, or outside of our brand partners.
No, #HappyPeriod is no longer a chapter oriented organization. We no longer support chapters for our initiative. However we do encourage individuals to consider hosting their own kit packing parties, red tent parties to celebrate first periods, and to host donation drives to collect period products to shelters.
We always appreciate support from small businesses just as much as the support from large brands. Fundraising is the ideal way to support us through your business. From donating a portion of proceeds from your ticket sales or purchases, to encouraging attendees of your event to donate to us directly.
If your brand or company would like to partner with us on a product or campaign, it’s best to contact us directly via e-mail with full details. Fundraising is the ideal way to support us through your business. You could donate proceeds from sales or provide a way for your customers to make a donation at checkout.
#HappyPeriod was founded by and still under the leadership of Black Women.
Currently there is not an ambassador program. However, we are planning an ambassadorship for students. We will make an announcement once that opportunity is available.
Volunteer opportunities will be announced on our all of social media platforms, along with a link to sign-up.
Yes, we’re always looking for educators to join our tribe of experts. Opportunities will be announced on our social media platforms and our Period Posse newsletter.
All educators looking to volunteer will be required to fill out an application and have a background check (at their own expense), and provide a letter of interest. The letter of interest should include more details on why you would like to volunteer and your experience with the youth, sexual health education, and any referrals you think we should reach out to regarding your experience.
A background check is required, along with a letter of interest, or a letter of recommendation from your current institution, organization, or employer. You are responsible for the cost of the background check.
A donation to #HappyPeriod can be made via our website, PayPal, Amazon, and our social media platforms.
A donation to us can be made on our official pages on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. A donation button is featured on all of our profiles and pages.
Yes, donations to  can be matched by major corporations and brands that empower their employees to volunteer with charities and/or to make a monetary donation. It’s best to contact your employer for details on their policy